BTS DC Programming
BTS DC’s Programming Principles
Accountability in the classroom.
Performance in the classroom is an indication of a wrestler’s work ethic and achievement standards for all areas of their lives. Athletes who put forth the effort in the classroom generally put the same kind of effort in practice and in matches. It is a core responsibility of BTS DC Coaches to teach our kids how to excel at school.
Respect on the mat.
You cannot be successful at a wrestling without respect. In order to progress, a wrestler must be open to the suggestions and criticism of his or her coach. Instead of coming up with excuses, a successful athlete takes ownership of his or her actions and learns from them. It is for this reason that athletics play such a significant role in the development of children.
Encourage is defined as ‘to give support, confidence or hope to someone.’ When a coach has done this, that person will gain more “courage” to take on the task at hand. At BTS DC, our hope is to encourage our wrestlers so that one day they can inspire us.